Tag Archives: Brain

What drawing easy is about.

Let me tell you of some ways, that you can use, to do your drawing easy, there are a number of different ways, you can do this, one of them is, by keeping your drawing to a minimum.

Perhaps we can call this, the minimalist KISS method, Keep It Simple Stupid-KISS.

Minimalism, is an art form in its own right, just in case you didn’t know but in my brain, I most often consider, that less is more and without getting into any deep philosophy, on this, I often feel that simple is best.  The process used, for all drawing is, construction through sequential building blocks, with each being a step, to the next and so on, to completion.

When shading a drawing, you can keep it to a minimum, by using, the white of the paper, as much as possible and only shading, the darker areas, so as to reduce the amount of work needed, in doing all of the detail. This can be very effective, producing some nice drawings, that are in a style called chiaroscuro, where there are strong contrasts, between light and dark. These where often practiced, by drawing statues and plaster busts, which would be, very light in tone because they would often, be white in color or very near white, making it easy, to keep the shading, to a minimum, only emphasizing the darkest tones.

To make drawing easy, we need to reduce, the amount of steps we take, to get to an end result, so we can do this, in a number of ways. Reduce the drawing, down to use a minimum number of marks, in order to make the drawing more simple. This can be accomplished by making line drawings and examples of this, can be seen in, cartoon type drawings, Bart Simpson, Mickey Mouse characters, are just a couple but there are probably, thousands of others, meaning that simple is just as legitimate, as the complicated.

Another method is tracing because it will reduce, the time spent, on doing a construction drawing and reduce the drawing, to only be made up, of simple lines. This can be a big saving, depending on how much you know or understand about it and your ability, because somebody, who is good at drawing free hand, by sight drawing, can sometimes, draw faster, than they can trace, some drawings. Tracing is also, a very good tool for learning to draw and is, I consider, largely undervalued, under exposed and practiced by many, if not all professionals because when, you do drawing, as a job of work, time is money.

The key to drawing easy is, to keep it simple, less is more because if you consistently draw, in ways that are simple, the harder ones, get easier, as well.


what drawing easy is about in dragon time, pen and ink.

Drawing lines or line drawing what?

Drawing lines, is not quite as simple, as you might think because the weight and thickness, of the lines we make, have an impact, on the effectiveness of our drawings, to add to this, is the hardness of the line, which I will explain later, is also of importance.

The meaning to thickness of line, should in essence be obvious, it means what it says, how wide or narrow, the line actually is, has an impact, on how our brain, relates to that line in context, of what is surrounding it and the tonal value of the line, also has an impact, on what is seen, when I say tonal value, I am talking about how light or dark, the line is in tone.

If you draw a circle, with a wider, darker line along the bottom area, it will look like it is, the bottom of a sphere and will start to look like, a ball shape, rather than, simply just, looking like a circle. This also gives, the bottom half of the circle or sphere more weight because the wider line, is more substantial, especially, if it is also darker in tone, it will attract the eye, giving more emphasis and importance, to it, this also creates the illusion, of light and shadow, that is often used, to emphasize, the under areas of shapes, we draw, suggesting, the shape, is three dimensional.

Please take a look, at the drawings, of the two circles, 1 & 2 below, to see an example of what I am trying to explain, also take a look at, 3 & 4, these lines and circles, have been made with a 5 mm, a half cm, flat pencil, notice how the line varies in width, giving it the look of a twisted ribbon. Number 5, shows, how lines can go, from a hard, definite edge, to a more subtle, less definite edge, that can be used to great effect, in your line drawings.  These different types of line, can be used to create light and shadow, so as to suggest the illusion of form and shape but still maintaining, the quality of being a line, using this, within your line drawing, can start to bring, your line drawings, to life.


Image of different line types numbered to help.The dragon drawing below, was created with pen and ink, it puts very little emphasis on line quality, it is a line that is consistent, in thickness, giving little or no quality, other than just being a line but even so, it does create the image of a dragon, through the use of drawing lines, with nothing more.

Quick bsic drawing of dragon outline.