Learn to draw reading these and other pages on this site, ( How to draw easy really works. ,Easy draw, just follow the white rabbit. , then you will have a basic understanding of the simplicity of drawing the easy way, how and why it works plus an understanding of the methods also contained on this page.
Just knowing this information alone will at the very least save you the time of having to figure it all out for your self which could be a matter of minuets or years depending on you and your experience, that alone makes this valuable or worth knowing.
The simplest easiest way of learning how to draw is by tracing outlines of images so as to save your self the time and effort of learning about constructional drawing when you don’t even know how to draw in the first place.
It gives you a head start and the opportunity to practice first with an accurate constructional drawing because if you get your construction right in the first place you are half way to a positive result.
The most basic way to trace a picture or subject from a picture is directly from your computer screen and all you need to do this is a piece of A4 printing paper, a pencil and a computer monitor.
It is very likely that you are sitting at a computer right now reading this so that means you will have access to these tools and the internet which gives you access to every picture you could ever want to draw.
What are you waiting for?
You can place a piece of printing paper directly onto a computer monitor and because this paper is usually very thin it will allow you to be able to see outlines of the picture on the screen through the paper which means that you can trace the outline onto the paper easily.
You can hold the paper with one hand and trace around the image being projected from underneath with the other hand or better still you can fasten the paper to the screen with blue tack if you have some, that is the stuff they use to stick pictures on walls.
See these images below to show you How to draw easy.

This is how to draw easy getting a bit harder.
Below see this is a picture composed of photographs of drawings/paintings re-composed into a new image, it has been edited with photo editing software. Physical real world drawings and photo editing can really get you dreaming with your eyes open.

All the girls love a frog, ask Louie, he started out being stumbled upon he did not even exist until he started selling himself on the stumble upon web site and it worked. The next thing you know he is enjoying his position on a Camaro RS sports car seemingly being admired by a celebrity so who knows where it could lead?
Drawing is attractive that’s why you are following the white rabbit or do you have other motives?
The fact is this, you now have access to everything you can ever possibly need for making your own drawings and the possibilities are endless.
You could build pictures all day every day for the rest of your life and never run out of subject material or is that a problem because you never really know where to start?
The easiest and best place to start is with what you already like. Draw the things you like and you will learn but also enjoy looking very closely at the things you like to look at.
An example could be that usually people like to look at other people they find attractive so you could start there.
If you start by just drawing pictures of things you like it won’t be long and you will have a collection of elements that you can combine to create more pictures giving yourself even greater understanding and opportunities for expanding your imagination.
Learn how to draw the easy way, the results are rewarding ask the white rabbit. See these image below to show you how to draw easy, please click the white rabbit to find out more.

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