So you want to learn how to draw easy?
If you really do want to learn how to draw the easy way, then let me say that I have made it as easy possible for you. I have made a free report for you, that you can get for free if you tell me where to send it, to find it take a look on the right hand side of this page.
Join us and we will make it easier, if you take our free offer on the right. Also you can continue reading the blog as it is full of great information just like the free report. The report is not essential but makes it easy because you can keep it on your own computer.
How to draw easy step by step is very easy to understand without question and it works every single time for anybody, you just need to realize it by reading the full story.
Drawing is a skill we are all capable of doing, it really is easy to draw if you understand the mind set and obstacles that get in your way when you try.
If you follow what we have got to say you will soon know how to draw easy and be the one who is able to draw better than others.
We can all draw no matter how rudimentary our drawings are in the beginning.
The information on this site will help you all the way, step by step.

We are all more than capable of drawing, yet some of us are better at it than others, why?
The reason why some of us are better at it than others must be rooted within the individuals themselves because there has to first be a desire to want to draw. It seems strange to me that most children enjoy drawing, yet most adults don’t and regard those who can draw to be talented.
It is a fact that most often when the word drawing is used amongst older children, young people and adults many voice this following statement (I can’t draw).
So here’s why you can’t draw, for most people it is simple, they don’t want to draw. Others wanted to but where put off when they tried because they didn’t have a clue and why should they, when everyone seems to think that all drawing is done free hand, and that’s it?
Its true people genuinely think that other people who draw, just make marks with a tool that look like what ever it is they are drawing and that’s it. They think it is done by just looking at what ever it is they want to draw and then drawing it. Those other people watching do not actually know that the person doing the drawing in this way, is actually measuring and plotting where everything goes in relation to everything else, tracing the image by eye. This process is very difficult in the beginning because you are having to multitask different actions at the same time measuring, looking and testing.
So it’s hardly surprising we can’t draw this way to start out with is it?
So taking into consideration the fact many of us don’t want to and those that do, don’t have accurate information about how it is achieved, to say the very least, then it’s hardly surprising we can’t all draw well is it? Don’t be fooled by any of it, drawing is just a process of performing different actions, with a tool that makes marks, usually on a flat surface area, a process that most people can follow. How to draw easy, is very easy but please don’t be fooled into thinking it isn’t, just because you don’t know how to and you don’t understand the right mindset.
So let me tell you first of all that learning how to draw easy is not difficult, it is great fun but also an excellent tool for learning how to learn and enjoy your learning.
There is much more to find out about how to draw easy that will be revealed if you follow the white rabbit.
Below you will find a video.
(Drawing Cars, Scirocco VW Concept Car, With Marker Pens & Pencil)
This was my first large scale drawing with marker pens, I had put the time into doing the plan drawing, so from this I had a good idea how to complete the drawing with marker pens, even though they did not perform the way imagined they would.
Below is my third drawing with marker pens
(Drawing Art, horror art,speed drawing with marker pens)
This video is really intended to be a music promo video, it was drawn to suite the music supporting it, to use as a way of drawing attention to the music but also promote my work to others.

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