First off, if you want to do easy drawings of cartoons, any cartoons, then just trace them off your computer screen.
A piece of cheap A4 printer paper is thin enough to see what is on the computer screen right through the paper, so you can trace it, no problem.
Drawing cartoons is easy because unless you are copying other peoples cartoons in which case you might as well trace them off the computer screen. Then they don’t have to look like anything.
This makes it easy because cartoons are just simple line drawings, usually done quickly.
How many times have you sat down drawing silly faces, with big noses or mouths or ears? That’s all that cartoon drawings are, exaggerations of what already there.
They do not have to be accurate and they do not have to look exactly like anything because they are only suggestions, learning to draw cartoons is easy.
Usually cartoons are just about fun.
The video below also named “easy drawings of cartoons” is an example of drawing some of the more familiar cartoons images on this page and shows them being drawn. This is done with the intention of encouraging you to draw without getting hung up on detail. The most important method of learning how to draw cartoons easy is not accomplished by thinking about ideas. As much as actually drawing them. Your learning is greatly increased through doing some drawing and practicing.
They are often about drawing jokes and meant to be funny. The worse they look the better most of the time.
This means they can be very easy to draw and anybody can draw their own cartoons, if they can hold a pencil, even my 6 year old son could do it, so I am sure you can.
If you want to get serious about drawing cartoons then it could get considerably harder. You need to be able to use devices to express mood, through facial expressions, body language and environmental props.
Easy drawing cartoon is only easy if you don’t get serious about it too quickly.
Free style cartoons that you just make up can be very amusing and good fun to draw. They also provide good experience for drawing the more familiar cartoon characters I have been drawing as examples so far on this page!
It is such a fun, free expression when doodling with cartoons. Although I’m not the greatest there is, I enjoyed my completed drawings.
I enjoyed myself when I was drawing these images for this web-page and they are good simple practice for artists to draw – experienced or inexperienced.
Many cartoons employ people as the subject matter, so I did a couple of quick, funny drawings of people for you to look at.

When you draw Cartoons you do not need to draw objects or people the way they exist or look in reality.
They apply a lesser amount of technicality and detailed work, using over exaggerated forms and features.

Simple devices are used for expressing a persons mood or the mood of an event they are things like dark clouds hanging over the head of a character indicating a sad mood or gloominess.
These devices change normal drawings into simple cartoon drawings!
And, of course, expressions play a big role in showing emotions when you draw cartoons!
As a child I used to love drawing cartoons from comics and these drawings became more complex as I got older so my drawings did also and I learned to draw more accurately moving away from drawing cartoons.
I used to copy the characters and I thought I was good at getting a likeness to the originals, drawing cartoons was my lead into becoming good at drawing as it is with many people who learn to draw.
I’m sure those comic books taught me a lot about drawing and helped me learn to read as well by giving me a fun way to practice.
I still look at cartoons in the newspapers and read them for a laugh, I also watch them on TV because they are funny but not serious, bringing light relief.
Giving cartoon drawing a chance will help your drawing as well and I’m sure it will help you to produce some very cool cartoon drawings.
Start looking around you for some ideas and use your imagination to see what you can include when you draw cartoons.
Keep it in mind to overemphasize facial appearances, include some loose scribbled shapes here or there, and soon you will realize you are doing easy drawings of cartoons, that are very easy .
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