What on earth is Wildstyle graffiti?
In the video above the wildstyle writer only gives basic instructions and examples of doing this kind of writing with good reason. Knowing how to draw wildstyle graffiti is something that is best developed with practice and not influenced too much by others.
How to draw Wildstyle graffiti, is a question most difficult to answer, perhaps the name gives us some indication, as to it’s demeanor, the character of Wildstyle is that of being a secret message, of the street but more so a message of the artist.
Each reputable artist has their own nuances, distinct from each other.
Take your name/handle or what ever you care to call it but take it, as far as it can go and just that little bit more because you can. I am old school so arrows play a major role, in all graffiti styles because they point and without trying to be smart, that is the point. Graffiti is an extreme form of forced advertising, a counter force rebellion against conformity and control, from the media giants, the masters of a brainwash plan, conform or be executed for resistance. Graffiti goes back to the beginning of time and has always been measured as a form of protest but it doesn’t have to be because it can just be fun.
Our social masters do not want us, to be free and scream anarchy, if we try to push the envelope beyond the norm, conform, you must conform, saying it’s rubbish because we can’t read it, as if it was ever meant to be read. Words and letters are deformed, beyond recognition into the secret language, known as Wildstyle, stretched and misconstrued, into the words of an anti social song, I am me, have it.
The media moguls conspire in secret but the Wildstyle writer secretly stands alone, like a warrior on the edge of time, forcing his message on an unsuspecting world, I am me, have it.
Long live the king, the king is dead.

Above is a quick example of how to draw Wildstyle graffiti, with heavy play on arrows and black outline, I am sure you could do better, so please do, if you want to write Wildstyle.
Study other writers, in the same way old school fine artists study the masters such, as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Rembrandt to name only a few, this preparatory work, informs your further development. Copy the Wildstyles of other writers, in order to understand them, this will enable you to mix and match, when drafting your own secret codes of resistance and form your own style.
Always start out with basic, everyday readable letters, then keep working them into oblivion, distorting them into the unrecognizable entangled mass’s, known as Wildstyle, then do it all over again because you can. It pays to revel in your obsession, I do digress for reason because that is how to draw Wildstyle graffiti, by getting way off the subject but keeping, the tiniest thread of whence it came.
The guy in the video below shows three different letter styles that are also known as graffiti styles. He is drawing them big on a wall area with spray cans and gives a great demonstration of his interpretation of how to draw wildstyle grffiti as a basic wildstyle, as well as others.
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