The site how to draw cars easy, step by step on Hubpages, has been rewarded by receiving many positive comments and worth a visit, for some great information about drawing cars easy.

The page shown above, is about using simple methods of drawing, it is particularly aimed at drawing cars but most of the information can be transferred to any other subject matter. I am sorry but you will need to take a look at page art, a visual question on the way to it. This page is about negative space, it is an interesting concept, about seeing your drawings by looking at the area, surrounding the subject, take a look it, it will be worth it, perhaps you will find out how to draw cars another different way.
How to draw cars easy, yes it is very easy, you just do it like everybody else does it, the problem is, you don’t know how everybody else does it, do you?
If you don’t know, then I will tell you how 2 draw cars and I will tell you how to draw cars step by step as well, I will tell you how to get them right first time, every time, just like all the great car designers do it.
Except they had to learn the hard way and I will show you the easy way, with no holds barred, bang on every time, without failure, because everybody is still learning the hard way.
There is a much easier way to learn how to draw, that for some great unknown reason, nobody is telling you about, so I will.
How do they design great looking cars?
How do they draw great looking cars?
The simple answer is they don’t, 99% of all car drawings are drawn on production lines by more than one person and the final designs are not even drawn by people but are actually drawn by machines nowadays, yes they are.
Do you really think that computer software companies design drawing programs for the fun of it?
No fear, these companies design drawing programs as a means of making money by providing others with equipment, that will make their jobs easier, drawing software is designed to make things easier.

Do you think that companies spend thousands of dollars on computer equipment, so there designers can sit around all day, drawing with a pencil, no fear, they don’t. Yes people do sit around drawing all day with pencils sometimes but mostly that is only to generate ideas and a great deal of the time is spent drawing, redrawing over, and over again, the same things, that are just slightly different.
Nowadays this is mostly done by machine, when Walt Disney made cartoons like Jungle Book they employed hundreds of people, to produce those animated movies, now they use machines.
If I was to draw a fairly decent car from scratch, free hand, it would take me at least a couple of hours but it would take anybody, the same amount of time not just me because drawing lines takes time, no matter how good you are and to draw a fairly decent car, would take at least a couple of hours. Then to make a slight change to it, you would have to spend, another couple of hours, drawing another one, that was slightly different, so at that speed it would take you 8 hours to make, about 4 changes.
Do you really think that anybody lets you do that, when designing cars, especially when there are thousands, of slight alterations made in the design process, to make sure everything is as near perfect as possible?

Think about it, if someone designed a car, then they decided to put it into production, it would cost millions of dollars to get to that point, so if they then produced, ten or twenty and found out they where no good, do you think it would be OK? Trust me it would not be OK, car companies don’t say, we will just spend another few million dollars putting it right, not on your life.
When a car goes into production, it is completely right because if it is not, then it will cost the company millions of dollars to put right and perhaps even people’s lives, will be at risk, so that’s why they get it right, but the truth is, how to draw cars step by step, is very easy when you do it like they do.
The truth is you can do it, just like the car companies do it, at home with a computer because that’s all they use to do the jobs, of hundreds of people and you can get the software for free, legally free.
You too can scribble a few cars down on a piece of paper, then design them and produce a finished professional piece of work, every time, the same way they do it, easily.

How to draw easy cars, will provide you with all the information to get you started, on how to do this, legally free.
How to draw a car easy, is only the start, it will soon grow into, how to draw cars easy step by step, one will soon become many.