Tag Archives: Free Software

Make speed drawing videos.

You can do this, with video off your mobile phone because speed drawing/speed painting, are not anything of the like, they are speeded up video, nothing more but you knew this, didn’t you?

To do this, you video record yourself, drawing a picture but you can take two weeks, if you want and just do ten minuets, every day, I did my first recording, with a digital camera, that would only recorded, ten minuets at a time. It was a lot of work because I had to capture the film from the camera, every time, so I could take another ten minuets, it worked and I was very pleased with the result.

If you are interested, then you can see the video (Watercolor painting of Snowdon the highest mountain in Wales, UK.) by clicking the link and I hope you enjoy it, I did.

If you have Windows Move Maker, on your PC, then you can use it to capture your video and edit it, for distribution to any of the online video networks, for a little effort really, when you think of the possibilities of getting it seen.

Just in case, you don’t know but online video, is the biggest thing since television, we can pull this information because we want it, all of us and we do all the time, online video is here, right now, use it.

Editing with Windows Move Maker, on your PC, is easy, it is not the best but it is more than adequate, for making online videos, it just takes a little effort to do so but let me tell you, they all do, even Adobe Premier, in fact it’s worse.

The biggest problem is perhaps getting music for your video, everybody has a copyright but not any more because you can take our music and sounds, if you want to, just record them with Audacity, free software, easy to use.

If you do a quick search for Audacity you will find it easy.

If you have any questions just ask.

Don’t just make great pictures, film it, put it online and at least let us all have a look, make speed drawing videos easy.

The video below, was made with a camera hanging from the ceiling, on a piece of string, it is an example of what you can do, if your prepared to experiment a little but make sure, it is OK to put screws and stuff, into the ceiling, and also make sure, they are safe enough, to hold your camera.

The video below, was made using a boom stand, it is a stand that is used by musicians to hold a microphone, this was adapted, to hold a Kodak, Play Sport, HD camera and was completed, in different places, around the house. I was able to do this easily because the boom stand, is so versatile and easy to set up, I have been able to set it up, between myself and the camera, without much restriction or the work being obscured, by my body.

The video below, was again made with the, Kodak, Play Sport camera and microphone boom stand, between myself and a computer monitor, with only my hands getting in the way, which is unavoidable.

You can see this page called Cartoon Yourself Easy for Fun, on a site called Hubpages by clicking the link.

This page is not very technical because it does not need to be, just like art doesn’t, what is important is doing it, if your efforts are not as good, as you would like them, don’t publish them and try doing it another way. If you do this you will learn, far more valuable information and make your set up, to suit yourself.

To make speed drawing videos, does not take a great deal of money or technical skill, just a mobile phone, with a camera and some way of fixing, your camera into a position, so it can film your work, as you are doing it.